HOME Analyst Briefings Analyst Briefing Presentation on HNWI in Singapore Wealth Management Industry – Trends, Analysis and Forecast (2010-2015) market to be held on November 30, 2010

Analyst Briefing Presentation on HNWI in Singapore Wealth Management Industry – Trends, Analysis and Forecast (2010-2015) market to be held on November 30, 2010

The BFS practice at MarketsandMarkets is pleased to announce its Analyst Briefing Presentation on HNWI in Singapore Wealth Management Industry – Trends, Analysis and Forecast (2010-2015) market to be held on November 30, 2010.

The wealth of HNWIs in Singapore is growing at 35.6%, whereas wealth of HNWIs is growing at 17.1% globally and 25.8% in APAC. The population of HNWIs is growing at 35.6% in Singapore, whereas it is growing at 18.9% globally and at 30% in APAC. The growing wealth and population of HNWIs in Singapore provides a huge opportunity for wealth management companies to increase their revenues and customer base.

HNWIs in Singapore are demanding frequent personal interactions with their wealth managers. They want their managers to possess better product knowledge, be open to new ideas, and personally interact with them on a regular basis. They want them to understand their needs and the risk associated with a particular investment product. One of the major reasons why HNWIs change their wealth managers is their failure to understand the needs of clients.

The growing population of HNWIs in Singapore is providing a huge opportunity for wealth management firms to increase their revenues and customer base.
The main purpose of this report is to study the changing needs and behavior of HNWIs in Singapore. It also aims to study their investing patterns and the factors, which will drive HNWIs wealth and the challenges faced by wealth management firms.

The agenda for the briefing includes discussion on the changing needs and behavior of HNWIs in Singapore wealth management industry. The factors driving HNWIs wealth and the challenges faced by wealth management firms will also be discussed during the briefing.

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