MI Cloud allows all employees, regardless of rank, democratic access to cutting edge market research data. It helps B2B companies translate growth intelligence to revenue intelligence, enables teams and partners to collaborate on analysis, insights and decision making while identifying niche market opportunities arising out of disruptions. It also enables gathering of intelligence by taking advantage of proven and highly scalable data analysis and insights.

Problem Statement: 
The company wanted to strengthen its revenue sources in Europe and had planned to enter into the European Concrete Repair Mortars (CRM) market. It needed a deep dive into the CRM market in terms of varied end-use segments, types of products, and product application methods in multiple customer segments; of European countries. 

MNM Approach 
MnM undertook a market intelligence study and helped the client understand current and future market scenarios of the top 15 countries conducive for its business within Europe.

Revenue Impact
MnM’s research will lead to additional future revenue of EUR 3–4 million from the overall European CRM market with a targeted gain of 2% of the incremental market size by 2024.

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