MarketsandMarkets in Forbes for its positioning against big fours

April 30, 2018

MarketsandMarkets was recently covered by Forbes for its unique offerings, which are disrupting the traditional market intelligence industry. The author Nish Acharya highlights changes in the research space and how it has evolved over the years. Research giants such as Gartner, Forrester, and Corporate Executive Board charge heavy sums of money to provide targeted intelligence on multiple topics for strategic planning to corporates. However, there are many who believe that one need not pay to receive such information, one can source it for free from the public domain such as blogs, social media, and conferences.

There exists another growing segment, wherein companies like MarketsandMarkets evaluate the business use case for new technologies and study new opportunities created by the intersection of different industries. The research thus produced is comparable in quality with that of the research giants.

Founded by Sandeep Sugla and headquartered in Pune, India, MarketsandMarkets provides research to corporate clients on a wide variety of topics. The company had comprehended that there was a huge opportunity to build a new kind of research company that will assess industries and new technologies to study growth opportunities created by converged ecosystems. Currently, the company serves over 6,500 customers including 80% of the top 2000 companies in the industries that it tracks.


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Read the original Forbes article here -


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