HOME Analyst Briefings Analyst Briefing Presentation on “United Kingdom: A2P SMS Market Analysis & Forecast (2010 – 2016)” to be held on July 21, 2011

Analyst Briefing Presentation on “United Kingdom: A2P SMS Market Analysis & Forecast (2010 – 2016)” to be held on July 21, 2011

The Information and Communication Technology practice at MarketsandMarkets is pleased to announce its “Analyst Briefing Presentation” on “United Kingdom: A2P SMS Market Analysis & Forecast (2010 – 2016)” to be held on July 21, 2011.

The briefing will cover an overview of drivers and opportunities present in the market. It will also cover the factors inhibiting the growth of UNITED KINGDOM: A2P SMS MARKET ANALYSIS & FORECAST (2010 – 2016).

Mobile network operators are focusing on Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS to increase their average revenue per user/subscriber (ARPU). Application-to-person (A2P) SMS is a part of mobile value added services (VAS). It enhances the average revenue per user by providing mobile content to subscribers which generates stimulation and acts as a gateway to reach mobile subscribers in minimum time. This report analyzes the market for Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS in United Kingdom. The report provides an extensive analysis of the A2P SMS market that includes pricing, current market trends, industry drivers, and challenges for better understanding of the market structure. The A2P SMS market is segmented on the basis of type which includes standard and premium.

The application-to-person (A2P) market provides huge opportunity for mobile messaging market players as the overall market is expected to grow from 17.58 billion in 2010 to 97.36 billion by 2016, registering a CAGR of 32.90% during 2010-2016.

The opportunities such as mobile marketing and hybrid technology will affect the application-to-person (A2P) sms market, whereas restraints such as mobile spam and instant messaging will have a high impact on the market in short term, but as the benefits from application-to-person (A2P) are ascertained, its overall impact will reduce in the long term.

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MarketsandMarkets (M&M) is a global market research and consulting company based in the U.S. We publish strategic advisory reports and serve as a business intelligence partner to Fortune 500 companies across the world. MarketsandMarkets also provides multi-client reports, company profiles, databases, and custom research services.

M&M “Information and Communication Technology” practice recognizes the challenges that financial institutions face in bringing the right products to market. Our reports and consulting practice provide a unique perspective; thereby allowing the financial institutions to see and experience the best ways to achieve their product goals. Through a mix of case studies, primary research, and business modeling we provide a 360° view to identify how you can create, capture, and keep the value of your product and out think the competition.

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