MI Cloud allows all employees, regardless of rank, democratic access to cutting edge market research data. It helps B2B companies translate growth intelligence to revenue intelligence, enables teams and partners to collaborate on analysis, insights and decision making while identifying niche market opportunities arising out of disruptions. It also enables gathering of intelligence by taking advantage of proven and highly scalable data analysis and insights.

Client’s Problem statement

The client, a leading vendor in the IoT in energy ecosystem, was keen to understand the competitive landscape as well as IoT adoption rate in the energy industry across North America and APAC. The client also wanted to increase its market share and reach the geographies mentioned above. Additionally, the client was interested to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the energy industry.


MarketsandMarkets Approach                        

MarketsandMarkets identified key disruptive technology trends that were changing the revenue mix of the client’s clients in end-use industries such as oil and gas, mining, and smart grid across North America and APAC. MarketsandMarkets also interviewed a host of potential customers in these end-use industries to understand their unmet needs, possible use cases, and benefits from IoT technology and what they looked for in a technology partner.

This helped the client assess the market potential and high impact use cases of IoT technology across these end-use industries. Further, MarketsandMarkets also helped the client build an understanding of the competitive landscape, varying business models, and strategies of different players in the IoT in energy market. This helped the client devise a differentiated product offering and forge suitable alliances to win in this market.   

In addition to this, MarketsandMarkets helped the client understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market.

Revenue Impact

MarketsandMarkets’ work resulted in the client tapping into a ~USD 20.2 billion market, with projected revenue of ~USD 10 million in three years.

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