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    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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  • Gaming and design industry verticals are in need of hardware-intensive graphic applications. Even the latest generic productivity applications across various industry verticals demand non-trivial GPU capabilities. Moreover, the influx of rich HTML5 content on the web relies on having GPU capability, while providing a remarkable user experience. Graphics as a Service (GaaS), wherein visual computing can take on the role of a service as cloud computing has enabled decoupling of graphics hardware from any display, is expected to gain traction over the coming years. With the emergence of graphics as a service, applications such as graphic design, video editing, and image processing can be provided with massive infrastructure requirements through cloud. Prominent graphic companies, including NVIDIA and AMD, are offering cloud-based graphic technologies to enable their customers to run high-end graphic applications through a web browser. The graphics as a service market is broadly classified into IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS.

    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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  • Enterprise networks are continuously evolving into increasingly complex systems. They are dependent on reliable and robust performance of countless interconnected applications and devices. Networks have become the lifeblood of business and the conduit by which customers, partners, and employees share data and conduct business. Moreover, increased network complexity, converging technologies, and growing implementation of virtualization are expected to transform network management technologies, tools, and practices, and virtual networking installed as a part of server virtualization will progressively influence network managers. Network performance management includes monitoring, configuring, troubleshooting, controlling, and administrating the network-based business operations. The network performance management report covers various solutions such as bandwidth management, capacity planning and prediction management, and troubleshooting.

    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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  • Nowadays, mega business organizations are facing difficulty in handling their tremendous amount of data. The remarkable increase in the amount of data is driving up the number of mega data centers all across the globe. For the processing and management of this large amount of data, mega business organizations or hyperscale service providers require storage on hyperscale extent. Hyperscale server Storage Area Network (SAN) technology assures high performance at low cost for mega corporations and hyperscale service providers. Hyperscale server SAN solutions can greatly reduce the expenditure on storage devices. Hyperscale server SAN technology is the major storage technology in the hyperscale service market. With the increasing number of organizations turning into mega business organizations and data centers into mega data centers, the market for hyperscale server SAN is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years. The forecast period for hyperscale server SAN market is 2014–2019, with 2014 as the base year throughout the research report. The report identifies major drivers and restraints in the industry related to current acceptance of hyperscale server SAN and their expected role in the future. Company profiles of major players in the ecosystem of hyperscale server SAN market are included in the report to provide competitive insights.

    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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  • The report also provides a comprehensive examination of market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges. This report also covers the latest upcoming products and integration of various technologies, which are a part of the DWDM ecosystem.

    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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  • The technologies that are responsible for disrupting the enterprises way of carrying businesses are big data analytics, cloud computing, social media, mobility, embedded systems, and augmented reality. All these trends need to work together to deliver an outstanding customer experience; just focusing on one technology in isolation of the other will not work. Businesses need to focus at creating a holistic platform which encompasses all these trends. Technology players in turn must come up with integrated solutions that will enable businesses to address the dynamically changing demands of the new-age consumer, effectively. This digital transformation has evolved into a new go-to-market channel for the enterprises. Online transactions, purchases through mobile-optimized websites and smartphone applications (apps) are inclining. In a short span of time, digital channels have come a long way, from just providing information (websites) to interacting with consumers (blogs, forums, and social media) and providing an actual purchase experience (Augmented Reality (AR)). There is no doubt that technology is rapidly reforming the way businesses interact with customers. The rise of digital consumers who shop online, seek recommendations, and interact with brands presents a tremendous opportunity for companies.

    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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  • The green telecom network market research report has been segmented on the basis of solutions and services, which include energy efficiency, renewable/alternative energy solutions, and energy consumption. The report also explains the market size and forecasts by regions, which are North America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, Europe, and the rest of the world. You can request 10% customization in the research matching your exact requirement for example deep-dive research in any specific region, technology or application. There is a new section in the report providing benchmarking of the top players by strategic, operational, financial and sales/marketing. The audience for this report would be –Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) and Enterprises, –Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)/ Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs), consulting vendors, investors, –and system integrators of the green telecom network market. This report spans the overall structure of the green telecom network market and provides premium insights that can help software vendors, network operators, telecom service providers, equipment manufacturers, third-party providers, and managed service providers to identify the need of large and small organizations (end users) along with exhibiting the gaps for telecom services providers and network operators. The report analyzes the growth rate and penetration of green telecom network across the entire region.

    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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  • Businesses around the world are facing stiff competition with numerous players rapidly joining their respective market space. . A business entity, therefore, needs to stay ahead of the competition as well as undergo changes in accordance with the changing market dynamics. It needs to build an intelligent operational framework in order to achieve sustainability. Companies are thus moving towards custom enterprise applications to improve business performance and meet unique business requirements. Enterprises are swiftly turning to cloud technologies for various operational changes since the past six to seven years. The major reasons behind the large scale demand for cloud-based enterprise applications have been the massive scalability and reduced operational costs offered by the cloud services. The scalability and extensible architectures offered by cloud-based applications support complete business availability for global customers, as it reduces development cycles and risks to a minimum. The major service types involved in the market are application consulting, customization, testing, integration, and other services such as training, support, and maintenance. The market revenues are considered from the total application development spending over private, public, and hybrid clouds. Security considerations in the public cloud differ substantially from that in a private cloud. This factor is considered to be a major constraint for the public cloud deployment segment during the forecast.

    • Published: July 2024
    • Price: $ 4950
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